Location: Newfoundland and Labrador
Deliverable: Individual Climate Change Action Plans and implantation of a keystone climate action project for a cohort of six municipalities
Key Features: grant proposal writing, coordination of municipal participation, renewable energy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, climate action plans

econext submitted a partner-based proposal to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) on behalf of a cohort of six communities committed to climate change and was successfully awarded a Transition 2050 (T2050) partner grant. As part of FCMs Municipalities Climate Innovation Program (MCIP), the T2050 grants are focused on identifying a pathway to carbon neutral by 2050.

The overall value proposition of the econext T2050 project was to support the six communities through FCMs Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program’s Milestones 1, 2, 3, and 4.  To that end, econext contracted Fundamental Inc. to deliver the following to the cohort of six communities:

  • Formal training on climate change, carbon emissions, and energy efficiency – which included a peer learning component (One half day online session per month for the identified staff persons over 4 months).  
  • A 2-day in person workshop where Town staff learned to calculate a baseline Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions inventory, conduct a risk-opportunity analysis related to climate change, and identify a high level list of possible projects.
  • Creation of a Community Climate Action Plan, including community and stakeholder engagement, GHG emissions reduction target, and development of a list of priority projects to address climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Implementation of a keystone project which addressed a key climate action priority e.g. renewable energy, infrastructure or climate related vulnerability, significant GHG emissions reductions, solid waste management, net zero carbon or net zero waste goals, etc.

Transition 2050 – Municipal Climate Action in Newfoundland and Labrador

Keystone Project summaries:

  • In Baie Verte a 12.32kW solar PV array was installed at the Town’s Fire Hall in October utilizing the province’s net metering program;
  • In Bauline a 15.4kW solar PV array was installed at the Town’s Community Centre and Town Hall in October utilizing the province’s net metering program;
  • In Channel-Port Aux Basques a roof retrofit for the Town’s Public Works building will take place to increase energy efficiency, and soil testing is being undertaken at a potential brownfield redevelopment to understand the feasibility of using innovative bioremediation techniques;
  • In Paradise solar street lamps will be installed for the recreation area and parking lot adjacent to the Town’s emergency warming station;
  • In Stephenville a community-scale industrial composter has been purchased to facilitate composting within the Town; and
  • In Torbay a 13.86kW solar PV array was installed at the Town Hall in October utilizing the province’s net metering program.

Participating in this program has allowed the Town of Baie Verte to take a small step towards a greener future. The installation of solar panels at our Fire Hall will allow us to lower our energy consumption and see savings in energy costs. This program has opened our eyes to how even the smallest of changes can have a big impact on climate change and we are committed to making changes that will hopefully contribute to a low carbon transition by 2050. I would highly recommend that other municipalities take advantage of similar initiatives if given the opportunity.

– Amanda Humby, Chief Administrative Officer | Town of Baie Verte

We are extremely fortunate to have funding assistance from the FCM, and technical and philosophical support from the Province’s Environmental Industry Association, in putting together Bauline’s Green Energy Strategy and participating in this collective energy project with towns across the province. Our long-term plan not only sees the Town generating its own electrical energy needs over the next few years, but it incorporates a viable Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan about which we are very proud. For the smallest town on the north-east Avalon to be able to embark on these kinds of initiatives is a testament to the community, its residents and the organisation’s offering support. In particular, we are indebted to our advisers, Fundamental Inc of Harbour Main, who have kept us on a straight, but purposeful path to energy self-reliance. Our grateful thanks also to the FCM, econext and partnering towns.

– Craig Drover, Town Manager | Bauline

The Town wishes to thank econext and FCM for the opportunity to participate in the T2050 project. The funding received to date will provide major upgrades to our facility and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. The long-term planning that has been developed will guide us in accomplishing our carbon emission reduction targets. It is through the hard work of everyone involved that our efforts on Climate Change initiatives are made possible.

– Leon MacIsaac, Town Manager | Town of Channel – Port Aux Basques

The Town of Paradise was pleased to be selected for this initiative and it’s great to see a green project completed in our Town. Environmental Stewardship is a guiding pillar in our strategic plan and we are committed to working towards a carbon neutral footprint. This project will help us achieve this goal. We thank econext and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for implementing this initiative, and for their guidance and support to municipalities as we work together to address climate change.

– Mayor Dan Bobbett | Town of Paradise

Through the Partnership for Climate Protection initiative The Town of Stephenville has been able to achieve a much clearer understanding of our true impact on climate change. Through networking with all participants and partners in this initiative we have been able to determine the value of approaching our future with a strong appreciation for the need for change. As a result of this, we have identified several key projects which will help us reach our goals to decrease our impact on the environment. The forefront of these will be to develop a community composting program which we hope will decrease our solid waste generation significantly. We wish to thank everyone involved for the opportunity to participate and look forward to future co-operations.

– Ted Gracie, Director of Municipal Services | Town of Stephenville

The Town of Torbay is so pleased to be working with Fundamental Inc. and have the support of FCM and econext in our efforts to become more energy efficient while working to mitigate and adapt to climate change. As a result of these partnerships we have installed solar panels to assist with the energy needs of Town Hall, have created a greenhouse gas inventory, and have a workable plan to become carbon neutral by 2050!

– Mayor Craig Scott | Town of Torbay

Working with the partner municipalities to develop transition pathways to a climate positive future has been a very rewarding experience. The commitment of each community and their combined desire to take action on climate change is commendable and energizing. Fundamental Inc is honoured to have been involved in developing for each Town a carbon emissions inventory, setting emissions reduction targets, developing a local climate action plan, and most excitingly, facilitating the implementation of each Town’s first climate action project.

– Ashley Smith, Owner and Managing Director | Fundamental Inc.

econext was pleased to have been able to attract $500,000 worth of investment for six municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador. Each of these projects increased the resiliency of municipal operations, decreased their contribution to climate change, and are indicative of the economic growth opportunities associated with the energy transition in our province.

– Kieran Hanley, Executive Director | econext

Municipalities influence half of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions, making local action critical to reaching national targets. I’m proud to see local leaders across Canada continue to work together to build capacity and take action on climate.

– Garth Frizzell, President | Federation of Canadian Municipalities

This initiative was offered through the Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program, which is delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada. This initiative has contributed to the FCM-ICLEI Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program to help municipalities reduce greenhouse gas emissions and take action on climate change. PCP is a partnership between FCM and ICLEI—Local Governments for Sustainability.